Start with who you are. This is the first assignment. As I tend to release a lot of stuff, but don’t always show who I am, I thought I’d share my assignments here.
What do you want to do? (Not your job, but your work, now, tomorrow, and in the future)*
I want to help others learn more so they can support our youth through volunteering to lead them. I want to provide materials so that not only are new things learned, but old skills and knowledge are not lost. I want to help others become more than they imagined they could be.
Who do you want to change, and how do you want to change them?
I want to challenge youth group leaders to become more than they are. To realize that while they may walk into an organization with unique skills and experience, the knowledge they possess needs to be built upon. They need to grown with the kids. I want them to see learning as an adventure and to share that excitement with the kids they work with.
How much risk? (from 1 [a little] to 10 [bet everything]), how much are you willing to put at stake to make the change you seek?
10. Our educational system is not supporting our youth. It’s stuck in the industrial revolution. As volunteers, we need to step up to help those kids who want more than a traditional education or set of skills so that they are poised to become great.
How much work are you willing to do to get there? Be specific about the tradeoffs.
I have been putting a lot of work into this already. In the past five years, I have written over 200 digital badge programs to encourage Girl Scout volunteers to learn more to take back to their troops. I spend at least 10 hours every week working on badges, supplements, and more to support the Enrichment Project.
Does this project matter enough for the risk and the effort you’re putting into it?
If through this project I can help a girl find the person she is meant to be, it is worth it.
Is it possible — has anyone with your resources ever pulled off anything like this?
I’ve seen others try this and fail. Usually because they think in short term and hope that if they start it, others will take off with it and do the work for them. It doesn’t work that way. I am continually learning new things and trying to bring more into project.
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