Most of the Girl Scout supplements fall within the Girl Scout Traditions set. Like the previous two releases, the supplements will not be released with the individual badges. Previously, it was a combination of the number of supplements and duplicates across the eight badges in the set. This time it is the sheer number of supplements I updated and created. For a brief overview . . .

Please note that there are quite a few previously released supplements that I did not get through. I’ll continue to work on them so I can include them later.
Instead of spending months uploading all the supplements, I will be taking requests via the Facebook group.
The below link includes a listing of the 1,400+ supplements that were created to go with the Girl Scout Traditions badge set. Suppplement requests will be taken for the eight weeks it takes for the badges of the Girl Scout Traditions to be released. The requested supplements will be released on the blog March 2nd and 9th.
Girl Scout Traditions Supplement List
Any requests for the entire set or large numbers will not be added to the list. I do not want to tie up the blog for that long and everyone will have to wait for the membership site to be live before getting the full set. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it is the only way to be fair to everyone.
And a few more notes . . .
Due to the number of supplements, I had to break down some of the supplement categories. This added nine more categories, so I need to release the badges for each of the new categories.
Following these badge releases, supplement lists which cover the previously released categories will go out on July 18th (23 categories). Overview files for the entire Enrichment Project will go out July 25th.
At this point, the entire 2017 update will be complete!
To celebrate, I’ll be taking a couple weeks off to find my sanity.
As a reminder, you can follow what’s being released on the Working Trello board here . . .
I hope you have a great week!
Laura / larajla