Girl Scout Creative Awards
A Court of Awards is a visual way for girls to receive their insignia. Unfortunately, many leaders throw all the patches, pins, badges, etc. into a zip-top bag and hand it to the girls. This negates the hard work the girls have done in the program and the importance of their rewards from that effort.
This badge program allows you to explore a variety of ways to present awards to your girls and will, hopefully, spark your own creativity.
NOTE: If you’re doing the work to make the presentation special, ask a few parents to take photos that can be shared with everyone after the ceremony.
Badge and Supplement Files
Member Level
- 0EP_B_BPG_GS CAwards_2in_12up_MS1_larajla — generic badge printable
- 0EP_BLIST_GS CAwards_MS1_larajla — badge items per membership level
- 0EP_BSET0_GS CAwards_MS1_larajla — badge set and related badges
- 0EP_SUPP0_GS CAwards_Journal_MS1_larajla — badge journal
- 0EP_SUPP0_GS CAwards_Planner_MS1_larajla — badge planner
- 0EP_SUPPL_GS CAwards_MS1_larajla — supplements currently available per membership level
Supplement Fun
- N/A
Need the full badge program? Go > HERE