Zine / Minibook Basics We’ll look at the basics of creating a zine or minibook. These are smaller, less complicated books that are great to start your bookmaking journey. Throughout this badge set, I’ll use the word “zine” for all versions of minibooks. Member Level EP_Badge List_Zine MB Basics_larajla — list of badge items EP_Badge […]
Badge: Valentine Crafts
Supplements “Valentine Crafts” goes more in-depth into crafting to go along with your holiday celebration. Valentine’s Day Valentine Crafts : Badge Printables Avery 2.5” round label printable, 12-up SUPP_Valentine Crafts_2in_12up_larajla Valentine Crafts : Checklist Badge checklist SUPP_Valentine Crafts_Checklist_larajla Valentine Shape List Shapes to use for craft and design SUPP_Valentine Shapes List_larajla Valentine […]
Badge: Art Journals
Many people keep journals or diaries of their lives. An art journal takes this activity to the next level. This craft not only allows you to record your life but also to explore your art. You do not have to be an “artist” to create an art journal, you only need the desire to create. […]