I’m working on my largest badge set yet.
Science Center
My girls have a fascination with science. We have been to more science museums, centers, parks and the like than any other single place . . . including camping.
Many of the science centers we’ve visited were located in older buildings like warehouses. The exhibits were frequently handmade and I couldn’t help but think we could make some of them ourselves. I noticed that the activities we did as a group were also done at the museums.
In addition, many elementary classrooms have space set aside for science or they do it for a short period of time. I thought if we could get troops, after school providers, teachers and others who are interested in science together to make a temporary center in an unused building, wouldn’t the kids love to try it out? Together, couldn’t we make something much better than we could individually?
And so, I’m working on a badge set for just this purpose. Creation, exhibits, little additions, shop and support are all in the rough draft stage.
I wanted to include badge programs for grouped science activities so if you really didn’t know what to do, you’d have a way to start your brain!
If you have a favorite science center, send me the URL so I can check out what they’re doing.
If you’ve enjoyed a science experiment or exhibit, please share it.
I’ll try to incorporate as many as I can.
Thanks for your help.
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